running foot - traduzione in Inglese
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running foot - traduzione in Inglese

Bare foot running; Barefoot runner; Minimalist running; Natural running; Running barefoot; Minimalist running shoe
  • A barefoot man in robes running while holding a stick (1878)
  • asphalt]]
  • Children running barefoot; the animation is from the year 1893.
  • Example foot pressure
  • Vibram FiveFingers shoes
  • A pair of [[Xero Shoes]] Huaraches, laced up on grass
  • A pair of Jerusalem Cruisers, a minimalist running sandal made by Shamma Sandals.
  • [[Pheidippides]]
  • Woman running barefoot on [[Torrey Pines State Beach]]

running foot         
  • Footer from a CD showing the manufacturer and publication date
  • Footer from a CD showing the publisher, musician, date, and type of recording
  • Footer from a dictionary showing the page number and other relevant pages
Footers; Running foot
(n.) = pie de página repetido
Ex: These elements can be in the top margin (as a "running head") or in the bottom margin as a "running foot" or footline.
  • Person with a bad running form. Heel striking and leaning forward are some of the most common mistakes and cause of injuries among beginners.
  • Chafing of skin following a marathon run
  • A man running with a baton during a relay race.
  • Maximum human speed [km/h] and pace [min/km] per distance
  • A scene depicting long-distance runners, originally found on a [[Panathenaic amphora]] from Ancient Greece, circa 333 BCE
  • [[Eadweard Muybridge]] photo sequence
  • Roman bronze sculptures]] of runners from the [[Villa of the Papyri]] at [[Herculaneum]], now in the [[Naples National Archaeological Museum]]
  • Video of human running action
  • International-level women athletes competing in 100 m sprint race at [[ISTAF Berlin]], 2006
Runners; Running speed; Footrace; Foot race; Footraces; Slow run; Running (sports); Running Around; Running event; Running events; 🎽; Runner; Running (sport); History of running; Vertical running; Running (athleticism); Pace (running)
(n.) = corredor
Ex: The real world is not a racetrack, countries are not runners, and there is no finish line.
* drug runner = camello, traficante de drogas
* first runner up = segundo finalista, subcampeón
* forerunner [fore-runner] = precursor
* front runner = líder, favorito
* long-distance runner = corredor de fondo
* runner bean = judía verde, judía
* runner up = finalista, segundo, subcampeón
foot race         
  • Person with a bad running form. Heel striking and leaning forward are some of the most common mistakes and cause of injuries among beginners.
  • Chafing of skin following a marathon run
  • A man running with a baton during a relay race.
  • Maximum human speed [km/h] and pace [min/km] per distance
  • A scene depicting long-distance runners, originally found on a [[Panathenaic amphora]] from Ancient Greece, circa 333 BCE
  • [[Eadweard Muybridge]] photo sequence
  • Roman bronze sculptures]] of runners from the [[Villa of the Papyri]] at [[Herculaneum]], now in the [[Naples National Archaeological Museum]]
  • Video of human running action
  • International-level women athletes competing in 100 m sprint race at [[ISTAF Berlin]], 2006
Runners; Running speed; Footrace; Foot race; Footraces; Slow run; Running (sports); Running Around; Running event; Running events; 🎽; Runner; Running (sport); History of running; Vertical running; Running (athleticism); Pace (running)
(n.) = carrera a pie, carrera pedestre
Ex: He has become one of the first people in the world to complete a gruelling foot race involving four deserts on four different continents.


verbo intrans.
1) Ir de prisa.
2) Hacer alguna cosa con rapidez.
3) Moverse progresivamente de una parte a otra los fluidos y líquidos; como el aire, el agua, el aceite, etc.
4) Tratándose de los vientos, soplar o dominar.
5) Hablando de los ríos, caminar o ir por tales partes, dilatarse y extenderse tantas leguas.
6) Ir, pasar, extenderse de una parte a otra.
7) Tratándose del tiempo, transcurrir, tener curso.
8) Tratándose de personas, andar rápidamente y con tanto impulso que, entre un paso y el siguiente, quedan por un momento ambos pies en el aire.
9) Hablando de noticias rumores, etc, circular, propalarse, difundirse. Se utiliza también como transitivo.
10) Estar a cargo de uno el curso cuidado o despacho de alguna cosa.
11) Dicho de pagas, sueldos o salarios, ir devengándose.
12) No haber detención ni dificultad en su pago.
13) Partir de ligero a poner en ejecución alguna cosa.
14) Recurrir al favor de alguno.
15) Pasar un negocio por la oficina correspondiente.
16) Estar admitida o recibida una cosa.
17) Pasar, valer una cosa durante el año o tiempo de que se trata.
18) Seguido de una expresión que indique precio, valer, costar.
19) Mar. Navegar en popa o a un largo, con poca o ninguna vela, a causa de la mucha fuerza del viento.
verbo trans.
1) Tratándose de la balanza, hacer que se incline y caiga uno de los platillos por haberle puesto más peso que al otro.
2) Sacar a carrera abierta por diversión, apuesta o experimento, el bruto en que se cabalga.
3) Perseguir, acosar.
4) Lidiar los toros.
5) Hacer que una cosa pase o se deslice de un lado a otro; cambiarla de sitio. Se utiliza también como pronominal.
6) Tratándose de cerrojos, llaves, etc, echar, pasarlos, cerrar con ellos.
7) Hablando de velos, cortinas, etc, echarlos o tenderlos, cuando están levantados o recogidos; y levantarlos o recogerlos, cuando están tendidos o echados.
8) Desatar el nudo o lazada de una cinta, cordón u otra cosa que hace lazo y con que está cerrado o asegurado un talego, bolsa, etc.
9) Estar expuesto a contingencias determinadas o indeterminadas; arrostrarlas, pasar por ellas.
10) Recorrer.
11) Recorrer en son de guerra territorio enemigo.
12) Arrendar, sacar a pública subasta.
13) fam. Arrebatar, saltear y llevarse alguna cosa.
verbo prnl.
1) Hacerse a derecha o izquierda los que están en línea.
2) Pasarse, deslizarse una cosa con suma o demasiada facilidad.
3) Tratándose de velas, bujías, hachas etcétera, derretirse con exceso, haciendo canal la cera o el sebo.
4) Hablando de colores, tintas, manchas, etc, extenderse fuera de su lugar.
5) fam. Ofrecer por una cosa más de lo debido.
6) fig. vulgar Tener el hombre o la mujer un orgasmo.


Barefoot running

Barefoot running, also called "natural running", is the act of running without footwear. With the advent of modern footwear, running barefoot has become less common in most parts of the world but is still practiced in parts of Africa and Latin America. In some Western countries, barefoot running has grown in popularity due to perceived health benefits.

Scientific research into the practice of running barefoot has not reached a clear consensus regarding its risks or its benefits. While footwear might provide protection from cuts, bruises, impact and weather, proponents argue that running barefoot reduces the risk of chronic injuries (notably repetitive stress injuries) caused by heel striking in padded running shoes.

The barefoot movement has prompted some manufacturers to introduce thin-soled and flexible shoes such as traditional moccasins and huaraches for minimalist running.

Esempi dal corpus di testo per running foot
1. As for off–pitch distractions, Black Bess of the Mint, c 1744, was "frequently engaged to enliven dull games at Spitalfields by running foot races without drawers against Little Bit O‘Blue, a Stepney person", while Noah Mann of Hambledon entertained early arrivals at games by daring displays of bareback riding.